Newsletter for clients of the law firm Haas und Kollegen

Client letter May 2022

Our client letter is sent out monthly via our newsletter and contains upcoming tax dates as well as all kinds of tax tips and news. For our interested readers, we offer this information as a free download here.

Topics in May 2022

  1. For all taxpayers: Limited deductibility of vocational training costs despite many years of previous employment
  2. For all taxpayers: Deduction of expenses for artificial insemination as an extraordinary burden
  3. For all taxable persons: VAT exemption for services in connection with assisted living
  4. For all taxpayers: Fiscally motivated cross-border exchange of information and storage of assets in foreign accounts and securities accounts as a breach of data protection?
  5. For all taxpayers: Constitutional doubts about late payment penalties
  6. For all taxpayers: Settlement payments in the event of divorce
  7. For landlords: A shorter remaining useful life of the building can be proven by an appraisal
  8. For commercial landlords: Caution with the transfer of operating equipment and extended trade tax reduction

 Download - Client letter May 2022